1 февраля 2019

Квартальное обновление безопасности для версии 1.6

Производителем ОС (НПО «РусБИТех») выпущен квартальный пакет обновлений (№ 20181229SE16) для Astra Linux Special Edition, касающийся безопасности и исправляющие некоторые ошибки. Это первый пакет для недавно вышедшей версии 1.6. В пакет обновлений не входят обновления версий ПО, только исправления ошибок и брешей в безопасности системы.

Для удобства пользователей данные обновления выкладываются в наш репозиторий http://packages.lab50.net/security/se16.

Все пакеты, также как и сам репозиторий, представлены в оригинальном неизменном виде и подписаны ключами производителя. Для его использования дополнительных ключей не требуется.

Для подключения репозитория безопасности создайте файл /etc/apt/sources.list.d/security.list:

deb http://packages.lab50.net/security/se16 smolensk main contrib non-free

После подключения обновить систему можно с помощью команд:

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude full-upgrade

Исправленные ошибки

Комплекс средств защиты

  • ядро: исправлена утечка информации через prlimit.
  • ядро: устранена возможность обхода ЗПС через запись в /proc/$PID/mem.
  • ядро: устранена возможность изменения меток произвольных файлов от любого пользователя.
  • parsec: добавлено получение мандатных меток из кэша SSSD при работе в домене FreeIPA.
  • parsec: исправлена ошибка работы с памятью в утилите pdp-ls.
  • parsec: устранена ошибка запуска ceph OSD при загрузке.
  • parsec: добавлены тесты МКЦ.
  • parsec: обеспечена возможность администрирования системы при включенной МКЦ.
  • parsec: исправлена ошибка в службе очистки swap-разделов.
  • parsec: изменен порядок вызова PAM-модулей для предотвращения подъема привилегий.
  • parsec: обеспечена возможность монтирования съемных носителей при работе с ненулевой меткой конфиденциальности.
  • parsec: исправлена обработка имен уровней конфиденциальности, состоящих из цифр
  • adduser: устанавливать уровень целостности 0 на создаваемые домашние директории, кроме системных пользователей.
  • ald-parsec: aldd создавал кэш мандатных меток, к которому был невозможен доступ некоторых сервисов, в результате чего, кэш постоянно пересоздавался, приводя сервис slapd к 100% утилизации системы и отказу клиентов в обслуживании.
  • ald: aldd генерировал избыточный сетевой трафик, приводящий сервис slapd к 100% утилизации системы и отказу клиентов в обслуживании.
  • freeipa: исправления связанны с пакетом sssd. Решение проблемы получения мандатных меток доменными пользователями при авторизации при потере связи.
  • astra-safepolicy: очистка окружения при запуске интерпретаторов: добавлены новые переменные окружения.
  • astra-interpreters-lock: добавлен irb в список блокированных интерпретаторов.
  • libapache-mod-auth-kerb: добавлена поддержка модулем kerberos аутентификации режима работы «AstraMode».
  • libgost-astra: исправлено автоматическое включение использование защитного преобразования по алгоритмам ГОСТ при установке пакета.
  • libp11-openssl1: добавление возможности работы с ключами Rutoken.
  • libpam-pwquality: проверка пароля на соответствие политики только для локальных пользователей.
  • libparsec-mac-qt5: обеспечение стабильной работы при большом количестве доменных пользователей, в несколько раз снизилась нагрузка на сеть.
  • opensc: исправление работы с драйверами Рутокен S, проблемы с записью малых файлов.
  • openssh: обновили списки шифров и MAC в комментарии конфигурационного файла ssh_config в соответствии с новыми настройками по умолчанию для модифицированного ssh (ГОСТ на первом месте).
  • pam: устанавливает уровень целостности 0 при создании домашних директорий с помощью pam_homedir.
  • pam: внятные сообщения при блокировке pam_tally, pam_tally2.
  • parsec-cups: исправлена маркировка при печати из некоторых приложений.
  • samba: установка нулевого уровня целостности на домашнюю директорию, добавление привилегии PARSEC_CAP_SIG процессу smbd.
  • shadow: устанавливать уровень целостности 0 на создаваемые домашние директории, кроме системных пользователей.
  • sssd: решение проблемы получения мандатных меток доменными пользователи при логине при потере связи с сервером домена, кеширование словарей мандатных меток.
  • xorg: параметр allow-user-xsession убран из /etc/X11/Xsession.options с тем чтоб пользователь не не мог переопределить свою Х сессию.

Рабочая среда Fly


  • При создании ALD пользователя ему присваивается нулевая мандатная метка. Это решает проблему подключения к базе данных postgresql.


  • При выборе папки на подпись скрытые файлы теперь тоже подписываются. Оптимизация записи в xattr_control. Автоматическое монтирование /boot в ‘rw’ при управлении ЗПС.


  • Требуется для сборки fly-admin-ald-server (исправление: При создании ALD пользователя ему присваивается нулевая мандатная метка. Это решает проблему подключения к базе данных postgresql)


  • Требуется для установки fly-admin-local (исправление: Исправлена ошибка при включении киоска при отсутствии /etc/xdg/rusbitech и при отсутствии группы astra-console)


  • Исправлена ошибка при включении киоска при отсутствии /etc/xdg/rusbitech и при отсутствии группы astra-console.


  • Исправлена ошибка при отключении МКЦ (увеличено время ожидания ответа программы которая отключает МКЦ)


  • Исправлена ошибка парсинга конфига


  • В «фонарике» (оборотная сторона последнего листа документа) имеются поля «Исполнитель» и «Отпечатал». В случае настроек авторизации печати в ALD, в этих полях теперь печатается содержимое поля GECOS, а не доменный логин пользователя.


  • Исправлена ошибка при настройке общего доступа


  • Исправлен конфликт при работе совместно с ALD.


  • При настройке CUPS через ALD создается доменная группа lpmac_ald, в которую должен быть добавлен администратор печати.


  • устранено падение при выполнении «fly-dmctl rtcwake», т.е. без указания аргументов -t/-s secs
  • устранена возможность управления systemd пользователем путем формирования команд типа «fly-dmctl suspendtohyibernate произвольная_команда -p» приводящих к выполнению «systemctl произвольная_команда -p suspend-to-hibernate.service»
  • установить DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=nothing перед запуском fly-mac-dialog для предотвращения запуска dbus демона с высоким уровнем целостности и его непредусмотренного использования в сессии


  • Исправление документации апдейта


  • При отмене перемещения файла между разными разделами исходный файл теперь не удаляется


  • устранен недостаток графического интерфейса который не позволял корректно работать с несколькими одновременно подключенными сменными носителями


  • Устранено возможное переполнение буфера при копировании строки с командой вызова виртуальной клавиатуры


  • Исправлено падение. Добавлена поддержка https протокола и ограничен буфер для скачиваемых данных.


Обновление безопасности:

  • fly-wm не мог запустить блокировщик из-за невозможности успешно выполнить XGrabKeyboard, если этот вызов уже сделан другим клиентом. Теперь благодаря поддержке безусловного XUngrabKeyboard для доверенных клиентов в обновленном Х сервере fly-wm при неудаче с XGrabKeyboard, делает гарантированно успешный XUngrabKeyboard, сразу после чего успешно захватывает клавиатуру по XGrabKeyboard и запускает блокировщик экрана.
  • с некоторыми видеодрайверами (проприетарные nvidia) при одновременном срабатывании гашения экрана и блокировщика окно блокировщика не прорисовывалось при этом был виден рабочий стол поверх которого видна строка ввода пароля и часы


  • cups: исправлена ошибка при отправке основного задания на печать вместе с порожденными.
  • cups: в «фонарике» (оборотная сторона последнего листа документа) имеются поля «Исполнитель» и «Отпечатал». В случае настроек авторизации печати в ALD, в этих полях теперь печатается содержимое поля GECOS, а не доменный логин пользователя.
  • acpi-support: обновление поддержки мультиуровневого МРД.
  • fonts-pt: обновление пакета шрифтов.

Закрытые уязвимости




CVE-2018-10874 ansible_engine In ansible it was found that inventory variables are loaded from current working directory when running ad-hoc command which are under attacker’s control, allowing to run arbitrary code as a result.
CVE-2018-10875 ansible_engine A flaw was found in ansible. ansible.cfg is read from the current working directory which can be altered to make it point to a plugin or a module path under the control of an attacker, thus allowing the attacker to execute arbitrary code.
CVE-2018-1312 http_server In Apache httpd 2.2.0 to 2.4.29, when generating an HTTP Digest authentication challenge, the nonce sent to prevent reply attacks was not correctly generated using a pseudo-random seed. In a cluster of servers using a common Digest authentication configuration, HTTP requests could be replayed across servers by an attacker without detection.
CVE-2018-17462 chrome Incorrect refcounting in AppCache in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to perform a sandbox escape via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-17463 chrome Incorrect side effect annotation in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.64 allowed a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code inside a sandbox via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-17465 chrome Incorrect implementation of object trimming in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit object corruption via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-17466 chrome Incorrect texture handling in Angle in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to perform an out of bounds memory read via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-17469 chrome Incorrect handling of PDF filter chains in PDFium in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to perform an out of bounds memory read via a crafted PDF file.
CVE-2018-17470 chrome A heap buffer overflow in GPU in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker who had compromised the renderer process to potentially perform a sandbox escape via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-17474 chrome Use after free in HTMLImportsController in Blink in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-16065 chrome A Javascript reentrancy issues that caused a use-after-free in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code inside a sandbox via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-16068 chrome Missing validation in Mojo in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker to potentially perform a sandbox escape via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-16071 chrome A use after free in WebRTC in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted video file.
CVE-2018-16076 chrome Missing bounds check in PDFium in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker to perform an out of bounds memory read via a crafted PDF file.
CVE-2018-16081 chrome Allowing the chrome.debugger API to run on file:// URLs in DevTools in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to access files on the local file system without file access permission via a crafted Chrome Extension.
CVE-2018-16083 chrome An out of bounds read in forward error correction code in WebRTC in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker to perform an out of bounds memory read via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-16085 chrome A use after free in ResourceCoordinator in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6151 chrome Bad cast in DevTools in Google Chrome on Win, Linux, Mac, Chrome OS prior to 66.0.3359.117 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to perform an out of bounds memory read via a crafted Chrome Extension.
CVE-2018-6153 chrome A precision error in Skia in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker who had compromised the renderer process to perform an out of bounds memory write via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6158 chrome A race condition in Oilpan in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6162 chrome Improper deserialization in WebGL in Google Chrome on Mac prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6170 chrome A bad cast in PDFium in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted PDF file.
CVE-2018-6174 chrome Integer overflows in Swiftshader in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 potentially allowed a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6120 chrome An integer overflow that could lead to an attacker-controlled heap out-of-bounds write in PDFium in Google Chrome prior to 66.0.3359.170 allowed a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code inside a sandbox via a crafted PDF file.
CVE-2018-6124 chrome Type confusion in ReadableStreams in Blink in Google Chrome prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit object corruption via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6126 chrome A precision error in Skia in Google Chrome prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed a remote attacker to perform an out of bounds memory write via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6127 chrome Early free of object in use in IndexDB in Google Chrome prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed a remote attacker who had compromised the renderer process to potentially perform a sandbox escape via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6139 chrome Insufficient target checks on the chrome.debugger API in DevTools in Google Chrome prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to execute arbitrary code via a crafted Chrome Extension.
CVE-2018-6140 chrome Allowing the chrome.debugger API to attach to Web UI pages in DevTools in Google Chrome prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to execute arbitrary code via a crafted Chrome Extension.
CVE-2018-6141 chrome Insufficient validation of an image filter in Skia in Google Chrome prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed a remote attacker who had compromised the renderer process to perform an out of bounds memory read via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6144 chrome Off-by-one error in PDFium in Google Chrome prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed a remote attacker to perform an out of bounds memory write via a crafted PDF file.
CVE-2017-12865 connman Stack-based buffer overflow in «dnsproxy.c» in connman 1.34 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) or execute arbitrary code via a crafted response query string passed to the «name» variable.
CVE-2018-16839 curl Curl versions 7.33.0 through 7.61.1 are vulnerable to a buffer overrun in the SASL authentication code that may lead to denial of service.
CVE-2018-16842 curl Curl versions 7.14.1 through 7.61.1 are vulnerable to a heap-based buffer over-read in the tool_msgs.c:voutf() function that may result in information exposure and denial of service.
CVE-2018-14618 libcurl curl before version 7.61.1 is vulnerable to a buffer overrun in the NTLM authentication code. The internal function Curl_ntlm_core_mk_nt_hash multiplies the length of the password by two (SUM) to figure out how large temporary storage area to allocate from the heap. The length value is then subsequently used to iterate over the password and generate output into the allocated storage buffer. On systems with a 32 bit size_t, the math to calculate SUM triggers an integer overflow when the password length exceeds 2GB (2^31 bytes). This integer overflow usually causes a very small buffer to actually get allocated instead of the intended very huge one, making the use of that buffer end up in a heap buffer overflow. (This bug is almost identical to CVE-2017-8816.)
CVE-2018-6789 exim An issue was discovered in the base64d function in the SMTP listener in Exim before 4.90.1. By sending a handcrafted message, a buffer overflow may happen. This can be used to execute code remotely.
CVE-2018-11531 exiv2 Exiv2 0.26 has a heap-based buffer overflow in getData in preview.cpp.
CVE-2018-12264 exiv2 Exiv2 0.26 has integer overflows in LoaderTiff::getData() in preview.cpp, leading to an out-of-bounds read in Exiv2::ValueType::setDataArea in value.hpp.
CVE-2018-12265 exiv2 Exiv2 0.26 has an integer overflow in the LoaderExifJpeg class in preview.cpp, leading to an out-of-bounds read in Exiv2::MemIo::read in basicio.cpp.
CVE-2018-13300 ffmpeg In FFmpeg 4.0.1, an improper argument (AVCodecParameters) passed to the avpriv_request_sample function in the handle_eac3 function in libavformat/movenc.c may trigger an out-of-array read while converting a crafted AVI file to MPEG4, leading to a denial of service and possibly an information disclosure.
CVE-2018-13302 ffmpeg In FFmpeg 4.0.1, improper handling of frame types (other than EAC3_FRAME_TYPE_INDEPENDENT) that have multiple independent substreams in the handle_eac3 function in libavformat/movenc.c may trigger an out-of-array access while converting a crafted AVI file to MPEG4, leading to a denial of service or possibly unspecified other impact.
CVE-2018-12386 firefox A vulnerability in register allocation in JavaScript can lead to type confusion, allowing for an arbitrary read and write. This leads to remote code execution inside the sandboxed content process when triggered. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 60.2.2 and Firefox < 62.0.3.
CVE-2018-12387 firefox A vulnerability where the JavaScript JIT compiler inlines Array.prototype.push with multiple arguments that results in the stack pointer being off by 8 bytes after a bailout. This leaks a memory address to the calling function which can be used as part of an exploit inside the sandboxed content process. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 60.2.2 and Firefox < 62.0.3.
CVE-2018-12385 firefox A potentially exploitable crash in TransportSecurityInfo used for SSL can be triggered by data stored in the local cache in the user profile directory. This issue is only exploitable in combination with another vulnerability allowing an attacker to write data into the local cache or from locally installed malware. This issue also triggers a non-exploitable startup crash for users switching between the Nightly and Release versions of Firefox if the same profile is used. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60.2.1, Firefox ESR < 60.2.1, and Firefox < 62.0.2.
CVE-2018-12377 firefox A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when refresh driver timers are refreshed in some circumstances during shutdown when the timer is deleted while still in use. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 62, Firefox ESR < 60.2, and Thunderbird < 60.2.1.
CVE-2018-12378 firefox A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when an IndexedDB index is deleted while still in use by JavaScript code that is providing payload values to be stored. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 62, Firefox ESR < 60.2, and Thunderbird < 60.2.1.
CVE-2018-12375 firefox Memory safety bugs present in Firefox 61. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort that some of these could be exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 62.
CVE-2018-12376 firefox Memory safety bugs present in Firefox 61 and Firefox ESR 60.1. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort that some of these could be exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 62, Firefox ESR < 60.2, and Thunderbird < 60.2.1.
CVE-2018-12359 firefox A buffer overflow can occur when rendering canvas content while adjusting the height and width of the canvas element dynamically, causing data to be written outside of the currently computed boundaries. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12360 firefox A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when deleting an input element during a mutation event handler triggered by focusing that element. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12361 firefox An integer overflow can occur in the SwizzleData code while calculating buffer sizes. The overflowed value is used for subsequent graphics computations when their inputs are not sanitized which results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Firefox ESR < 60.1, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12362 firefox An integer overflow can occur during graphics operations done by the Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSSE3) scaler, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-5156 firefox A vulnerability can occur when capturing a media stream when the media source type is changed as the capture is occurring. This can result in stream data being cast to the wrong type causing a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12363 firefox A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when script uses mutation events to move DOM nodes between documents, resulting in the old document that held the node being freed but the node still having a pointer referencing it. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12364 firefox NPAPI plugins, such as Adobe Flash, can send non-simple cross-origin requests, bypassing CORS by making a same-origin POST that does a 307 redirect to the target site. This allows for a malicious site to engage in cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12369 firefox WebExtensions bundled with embedded experiments were not correctly checked for proper authorization. This allowed a malicious WebExtension to gain full browser permissions. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 60.1 and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12370 firefox In Reader View SameSite cookie protections are not checked on exiting. This allows for a payload to be triggered when Reader View is exited if loaded by a malicious site while Reader mode is active, bypassing CSRF protections. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-5186 firefox Memory safety bugs present in Firefox 60. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort that some of these could be exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-5187 firefox Memory safety bugs present in Firefox 60 and Firefox ESR 60. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort that some of these could be exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Firefox ESR < 60.1, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-5188 firefox Memory safety bugs present in Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60, and Firefox ESR 52.8. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort that some of these could be exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-10906 fuse In fuse before versions 2.9.8 and 3.x before 3.2.5, fusermount is vulnerable to a restriction bypass when SELinux is active. This allows non-root users to mount a FUSE file system with the ‘allow_other’ mount option regardless of whether ‘user_allow_other’ is set in the fuse configuration. An attacker may use this flaw to mount a FUSE file system, accessible by other users, and trick them into accessing files on that file system, possibly causing Denial of Service or other unspecified effects.
CVE-2018-17183 ghostscript Artifex Ghostscript before 9.25 allowed a user-writable error exception table, which could be used by remote attackers able to supply crafted PostScript to potentially overwrite or replace error handlers to inject code.
CVE-2018-17961 ghostscript Artifex Ghostscript 9.25 and earlier allows attackers to bypass a sandbox protection mechanism via vectors involving errorhandler setup. NOTE: this issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2018-17183.
CVE-2018-17961 ghostscript Artifex Ghostscript 9.25 and earlier allows attackers to bypass a sandbox protection mechanism via vectors involving errorhandler setup. NOTE: this issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2018-17183.
CVE-2018-18284 ghostscript Artifex Ghostscript 9.25 and earlier allows attackers to bypass a sandbox protection mechanism via vectors involving the 1Policy operator.
CVE-2018-17961 ghostscript Artifex Ghostscript 9.25 and earlier allows attackers to bypass a sandbox protection mechanism via vectors involving errorhandler setup. NOTE: this issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2018-17183.
CVE-2018-16509 ghostscript An issue was discovered in Artifex Ghostscript before 9.24. Incorrect «restoration of privilege» checking during handling of /invalidaccess exceptions could be used by attackers able to supply crafted PostScript to execute code using the «pipe» instruction.
CVE-2018-16802 ghostscript An issue was discovered in Artifex Ghostscript before 9.25. Incorrect «restoration of privilege» checking when running out of stack during exception handling could be used by attackers able to supply crafted PostScript to execute code using the «pipe» instruction. This is due to an incomplete fix for CVE-2018-16509.
CVE-2018-16543 ghostscript In Artifex Ghostscript before 9.24, gssetresolution and gsgetresolution allow attackers to have an unspecified impact.
CVE-2018-17456 git Git before 2.14.5, 2.15.x before 2.15.3, 2.16.x before 2.16.5, 2.17.x before 2.17.2, 2.18.x before 2.18.1, and 2.19.x before 2.19.1 allows remote code execution during processing of a recursive «git clone» of a superproject if a .gitmodules file has a URL field beginning with a ‘-‘ character.
CVE-2017-17913 graphicsmagick In GraphicsMagick 1.4 snapshot-20171217 Q8, there is a stack-based buffer over-read in WriteWEBPImage in coders/webp.c, related to an incompatibility with libwebp versions, 0.5.0 and later, that use a different structure type.
CVE-2017-17915 graphicsmagick In GraphicsMagick 1.4 snapshot-20171217 Q8, there is a heap-based buffer over-read in ReadMNGImage in coders/png.c, related to accessing one byte before testing whether a limit has been reached.
CVE-2017-17782 graphicsmagick In GraphicsMagick 1.3.27a, there is a heap-based buffer over-read in ReadOneJNGImage in coders/png.c, related to oFFs chunk allocation.
CVE-2017-17783 graphicsmagick In GraphicsMagick 1.3.27a, there is a buffer over-read in ReadPALMImage in coders/palm.c when QuantumDepth is 8.
CVE-2017-16669 graphicsmagick coders/wpg.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer overflow and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted file, related to the AcquireCacheNexus function in magick/pixel_cache.c.
CVE-2017-16547 graphicsmagick The DrawImage function in magick/render.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 does not properly look for pop keywords that are associated with push keywords, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (negative strncpy and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted file.
CVE-2017-16545 graphicsmagick The ReadWPGImage function in coders/wpg.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 does not properly validate colormapped images, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (ImportIndexQuantumType invalid write and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a malformed WPG image.
CVE-2017-16352 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 is vulnerable to a heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability found in the «Display visual image directory» feature of the DescribeImage() function of the magick/describe.c file. One possible way to trigger the vulnerability is to run the identify command on a specially crafted MIFF format file with the verbose flag.
CVE-2017-15930 graphicsmagick In ReadOneJNGImage in coders/png.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26, a Null Pointer Dereference occurs while transferring JPEG scanlines, related to a PixelPacket pointer.
CVE-2017-15238 graphicsmagick ReadOneJNGImage in coders/png.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a use-after-free issue when the height or width is zero, related to ReadJNGImage.
CVE-2017-14103 graphicsmagick The ReadJNGImage and ReadOneJNGImage functions in coders/png.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 do not properly manage image pointers after certain error conditions, which allows remote attackers to conduct use-after-free attacks via a crafted file, related to a ReadMNGImage out-of-order CloseBlob call. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2017-11403.
CVE-2017-14103 graphicsmagick The ReadJNGImage and ReadOneJNGImage functions in coders/png.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 do not properly manage image pointers after certain error conditions, which allows remote attackers to conduct use-after-free attacks via a crafted file, related to a ReadMNGImage out-of-order CloseBlob call. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2017-11403.
CVE-2017-11403 graphicsmagick The ReadMNGImage function in coders/png.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has an out-of-order CloseBlob call, resulting in a use-after-free via a crafted file.
CVE-2017-12935 graphicsmagick The ReadMNGImage function in coders/png.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 mishandles large MNG images, leading to an invalid memory read in the SetImageColorCallBack function in magick/image.c.
CVE-2017-12936 graphicsmagick The ReadWMFImage function in coders/wmf.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a use-after-free issue for data associated with exception reporting.
CVE-2017-12937 graphicsmagick The ReadSUNImage function in coders/sun.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a colormap heap-based buffer over-read.
CVE-2017-11643 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a heap overflow in the WriteCMYKImage() function in coders/cmyk.c when processing multiple frames that have non-identical widths.
CVE-2017-11636 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a heap overflow in the WriteRGBImage() function in coders/rgb.c when processing multiple frames that have non-identical widths.
CVE-2017-11638 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a segmentation violation in the WriteMAPImage() function in coders/map.c when processing a non-colormapped image, a different vulnerability than CVE-2017-11642.
CVE-2017-11642 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a NULL pointer dereference in the WriteMAPImage() function in coders/map.c when processing a non-colormapped image, a different vulnerability than CVE-2017-11638.
CVE-2017-11641 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a Memory Leak in the PersistCache function in magick/pixel_cache.c during writing of Magick Persistent Cache (MPC) files.
CVE-2017-11637 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a NULL pointer dereference in the WritePCLImage() function in coders/pcl.c during writes of monochrome images.
CVE-2018-16412 imagemagick ImageMagick 7.0.8-11 Q16 has a heap-based buffer over-read in the coders/psd.c ParseImageResourceBlocks function.
CVE-2018-16413 imagemagick ImageMagick 7.0.8-11 Q16 has a heap-based buffer over-read in the MagickCore/quantum-private.h PushShortPixel function when called from the coders/psd.c ParseImageResourceBlocks function.
CVE-2018-12599 imagemagick In ImageMagick 7.0.8-3 Q16, ReadBMPImage and WriteBMPImage in coders/bmp.c allow attackers to cause an out of bounds write via a crafted file.
CVE-2018-12600 imagemagick In ImageMagick 7.0.8-3 Q16, ReadDIBImage and WriteDIBImage in coders/dib.c allow attackers to cause an out of bounds write via a crafted file.
CVE-2018-5248 imagemagick In ImageMagick 7.0.7-17 Q16, there is a heap-based buffer over-read in coders/sixel.c in the ReadSIXELImage function, related to the sixel_decode function.
CVE-2018-3615 core_i3 Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and Intel software guard extensions (Intel SGX) may allow unauthorized disclosure of information residing in the L1 data cache from an enclave to an attacker with local user access via a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2018-3620 core_i3 Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and address translations may allow unauthorized disclosure of information residing in the L1 data cache to an attacker with local user access via a terminal page fault and a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2018-3646 core_i3 Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and address translations may allow unauthorized disclosure of information residing in the L1 data cache to an attacker with local user access with guest OS privilege via a terminal page fault and a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2018-3640 cortex-a Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and that perform speculative reads of system registers may allow unauthorized disclosure of system parameters to an attacker with local user access via a side-channel analysis, aka Rogue System Register Read (RSRE), Variant 3a.
CVE-2018-14348 libcgroup libcgroup up to and including 0.41 creates /var/log/cgred with mode 0666 regardless of the configured umask, leading to disclosure of information.
CVE-2018-12910 libsoup The get_cookies function in soup-cookie-jar.c in libsoup 2.63.2 allows attackers to have unspecified impact via an empty hostname.
CVE-2018-10933 libssh A vulnerability was found in libssh’s server-side state machine before versions 0.7.6 and 0.8.4. A malicious client could create channels without first performing authentication, resulting in unauthorized access.
CVE-2018-14599 libx11 An issue was discovered in libX11 through 1.6.5. The function XListExtensions in ListExt.c is vulnerable to an off-by-one error caused by malicious server responses, leading to DoS or possibly unspecified other impact.
CVE-2018-14600 libx11 An issue was discovered in libX11 through 1.6.5. The function XListExtensions in ListExt.c interprets a variable as signed instead of unsigned, resulting in an out-of-bounds write (of up to 128 bytes), leading to DoS or remote code execution.
CVE-2018-14599 libx11 An issue was discovered in libX11 through 1.6.5. The function XListExtensions in ListExt.c is vulnerable to an off-by-one error caused by malicious server responses, leading to DoS or possibly unspecified other impact.
CVE-2018-14600 libx11 An issue was discovered in libX11 through 1.6.5. The function XListExtensions in ListExt.c interprets a variable as signed instead of unsigned, resulting in an out-of-bounds write (of up to 128 bytes), leading to DoS or remote code execution.
CVE-2018-18955 ubuntu_linux In the Linux kernel 4.15.x through 4.19.x before 4.19.2, map_write() in kernel/user_namespace.c allows privilege escalation because it mishandles nested user namespaces with more than 5 UID or GID ranges. A user who has CAP_SYS_ADMIN in an affected user namespace can bypass access controls on resources outside the namespace, as demonstrated by reading /etc/shadow. This occurs because an ID transformation takes place properly for the namespaced-to-kernel direction but not for the kernel-to-namespaced direction.
CVE-2018-14354 mutt An issue was discovered in Mutt before 1.10.1 and NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. They allow remote IMAP servers to execute arbitrary commands via backquote characters, related to the mailboxes command associated with a manual subscription or unsubscription.
CVE-2018-14357 mutt An issue was discovered in Mutt before 1.10.1 and NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. They allow remote IMAP servers to execute arbitrary commands via backquote characters, related to the mailboxes command associated with an automatic subscription.
CVE-2018-14352 mutt An issue was discovered in Mutt before 1.10.1 and NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. imap_quote_string in imap/util.c does not leave room for quote characters, leading to a stack-based buffer overflow.
CVE-2018-14353 mutt An issue was discovered in Mutt before 1.10.1 and NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. imap_quote_string in imap/util.c has an integer underflow.
CVE-2018-14356 mutt An issue was discovered in Mutt before 1.10.1 and NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. pop.c mishandles a zero-length UID.
CVE-2018-14362 mutt An issue was discovered in Mutt before 1.10.1 and NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. pop.c does not forbid characters that may have unsafe interaction with message-cache pathnames, as demonstrated by a ‘/’ character.
CVE-2018-14350 mutt An issue was discovered in Mutt before 1.10.1 and NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. imap/message.c has a stack-based buffer overflow for a FETCH response with a long INTERNALDATE field.
CVE-2018-14358 mutt An issue was discovered in Mutt before 1.10.1 and NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. imap/message.c has a stack-based buffer overflow for a FETCH response with a long RFC822.SIZE field.
CVE-2018-14349 mutt An issue was discovered in Mutt before 1.10.1 and NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. imap/command.c mishandles a NO response without a message.
CVE-2018-14351 mutt An issue was discovered in Mutt before 1.10.1 and NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. imap/command.c mishandles a long IMAP status mailbox literal count size.
CVE-2018-14359 mutt An issue was discovered in Mutt before 1.10.1 and NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. They have a buffer overflow via base64 data.
CVE-2018-14360 debian_linux An issue was discovered in NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. nntp_add_group in newsrc.c has a stack-based buffer overflow because of incorrect sscanf usage.
CVE-2018-14361 debian_linux An issue was discovered in NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. nntp.c proceeds even if memory allocation fails for messages data.
CVE-2018-1000156 patch GNU Patch version 2.7.6 contains an input validation vulnerability when processing patch files, specifically the EDITOR_PROGRAM invocation (using ed) can result in code execution. This attack appear to be exploitable via a patch file processed via the patch utility. This is similar to FreeBSD’s CVE-2015-1418 however although they share a common ancestry the code bases have diverged over time.
CVE-2018-10549 php An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.36, 7.0.x before 7.0.30, 7.1.x before 7.1.17, and 7.2.x before 7.2.5. exif_read_data in ext/exif/exif.c has an out-of-bounds read for crafted JPEG data because exif_iif_add_value mishandles the case of a MakerNote that lacks a final ‘\0’ character.
CVE-2018-7584 php In PHP through 5.6.33, 7.0.x before 7.0.28, 7.1.x through 7.1.14, and 7.2.x through 7.2.2, there is a stack-based buffer under-read while parsing an HTTP response in the php_stream_url_wrap_http_ex function in ext/standard/http_fopen_wrapper.c. This subsequently results in copying a large string.
CVE-2018-10915 postgresql A vulnerability was found in libpq, the default PostgreSQL client library where libpq failed to properly reset its internal state between connections. If an affected version of libpq was used with «host» or «hostaddr» connection parameters from untrusted input, attackers could bypass client-side connection security features, obtain access to higher privileged connections or potentially cause other impact through SQL injection, by causing the PQescape() functions to malfunction. Postgresql versions before 10.5, 9.6.10, 9.5.14, 9.4.19, and 9.3.24 are affected.
CVE-2018-10925 postgresql It was discovered that PostgreSQL versions before 10.5, 9.6.10, 9.5.14, 9.4.19, and 9.3.24 failed to properly check authorization on certain statements involved with «INSERT … ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE». An attacker with «CREATE TABLE» privileges could exploit this to read arbitrary bytes server memory. If the attacker also had certain «INSERT» and limited «UPDATE» privileges to a particular table, they could exploit this to update other columns in the same table.
CVE-2018-1115 postgresql postgresql before versions 10.4, 9.6.9 is vulnerable in the adminpack extension, the pg_catalog.pg_logfile_rotate() function doesn’t follow the same ACLs than pg_rorate_logfile. If the adminpack is added to a database, an attacker able to connect to it could exploit this to force log rotation.
CVE-2018-1058 postgresql A flaw was found in the way Postgresql allowed a user to modify the behavior of a query for other users. An attacker with a user account could use this flaw to execute code with the permissions of superuser in the database. Versions 9.3 through 10 are affected.
CVE-2018-1058 postgresql A flaw was found in the way Postgresql allowed a user to modify the behavior of a query for other users. An attacker with a user account could use this flaw to execute code with the permissions of superuser in the database. Versions 9.3 through 10 are affected.
CVE-2018-1053 postgresql In postgresql 9.3.x before 9.3.21, 9.4.x before 9.4.16, 9.5.x before 9.5.11, 9.6.x before 9.6.7 and 10.x before 10.2, pg_upgrade creates file in current working directory containing the output of `pg_dumpall -g` under umask which was in effect when the user invoked pg_upgrade, and not under 0077 which is normally used for other temporary files. This can allow an authenticated attacker to read or modify the one file, which may contain encrypted or unencrypted database passwords. The attack is infeasible if a directory mode blocks the attacker searching the current working directory or if the prevailing umask blocks the attacker opening the file.
CVE-2017-15098 postgresql Invalid json_populate_recordset or jsonb_populate_recordset function calls in PostgreSQL 10.x before 10.1, 9.6.x before 9.6.6, 9.5.x before 9.5.10, 9.4.x before 9.4.15, and 9.3.x before 9.3.20 can crash the server or disclose a few bytes of server memory.
CVE-2017-7547 postgresql PostgreSQL versions before 9.2.22, 9.3.18, 9.4.13, 9.5.8 and 9.6.4 are vulnerable to authorization flaw allowing remote authenticated attackers to retrieve passwords from the user mappings defined by the foreign server owners without actually having the privileges to do so.
CVE-2017-7546 postgresql PostgreSQL versions before 9.2.22, 9.3.18, 9.4.13, 9.5.8 and 9.6.4 are vulnerable to incorrect authentication flaw allowing remote attackers to gain access to database accounts with an empty password.
CVE-2018-1000802 python Python Software Foundation Python (CPython) version 2.7 contains a CWE-77: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in a Command (‘Command Injection’) vulnerability in shutil module (make_archive function) that can result in Denial of service, Information gain via injection of arbitrary files on the system or entire drive. This attack appear to be exploitable via Passage of unfiltered user input to the function. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in after commit add531a1e55b0a739b0f42582f1c9747e5649ace.
CVE-2017-1000158 python CPython (aka Python) up to 2.7.13 is vulnerable to an integer overflow in the PyString_DecodeEscape function in stringobject.c, resulting in heap-based buffer overflow (and possible arbitrary code execution)
CVE-2017-5715 cortex-a Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and indirect branch prediction may allow unauthorized disclosure of information to an attacker with local user access via a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2017-5715 cortex-a Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and indirect branch prediction may allow unauthorized disclosure of information to an attacker with local user access via a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2017-5715 cortex-a Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and indirect branch prediction may allow unauthorized disclosure of information to an attacker with local user access via a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2017-5715 cortex-a Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and indirect branch prediction may allow unauthorized disclosure of information to an attacker with local user access via a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2017-5715 cortex-a Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and indirect branch prediction may allow unauthorized disclosure of information to an attacker with local user access via a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2017-5715 cortex-a Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and indirect branch prediction may allow unauthorized disclosure of information to an attacker with local user access via a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2017-5715 cortex-a Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and indirect branch prediction may allow unauthorized disclosure of information to an attacker with local user access via a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2017-5715 cortex-a Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and indirect branch prediction may allow unauthorized disclosure of information to an attacker with local user access via a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2017-5715 cortex-a Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and indirect branch prediction may allow unauthorized disclosure of information to an attacker with local user access via a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2018-7550 qemu The load_multiboot function in hw/i386/multiboot.c in Quick Emulator (aka QEMU) allows local guest OS users to execute arbitrary code on the QEMU host via a mh_load_end_addr value greater than mh_bss_end_addr, which triggers an out-of-bounds read or write memory access.
CVE-2018-7550 qemu The load_multiboot function in hw/i386/multiboot.c in Quick Emulator (aka QEMU) allows local guest OS users to execute arbitrary code on the QEMU host via a mh_load_end_addr value greater than mh_bss_end_addr, which triggers an out-of-bounds read or write memory access.
CVE-2018-5683 qemu The vga_draw_text function in Qemu allows local OS guest privileged users to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and QEMU process crash) by leveraging improper memory address validation.
CVE-2018-5683 qemu The vga_draw_text function in Qemu allows local OS guest privileged users to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and QEMU process crash) by leveraging improper memory address validation.
CVE-2017-17381 qemu The Virtio Vring implementation in QEMU allows local OS guest users to cause a denial of service (divide-by-zero error and QEMU process crash) by unsetting vring alignment while updating Virtio rings.
CVE-2017-17381 qemu The Virtio Vring implementation in QEMU allows local OS guest users to cause a denial of service (divide-by-zero error and QEMU process crash) by unsetting vring alignment while updating Virtio rings.
CVE-2017-16845 qemu hw/input/ps2.c in Qemu does not validate ‘rptr’ and ‘count’ values during guest migration, leading to out-of-bounds access.
CVE-2017-16845 qemu hw/input/ps2.c in Qemu does not validate ‘rptr’ and ‘count’ values during guest migration, leading to out-of-bounds access.
CVE-2017-15289 qemu The mode4and5 write functions in hw/display/cirrus_vga.c in Qemu allow local OS guest privileged users to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds write access and Qemu process crash) via vectors related to dst calculation.
CVE-2017-15289 qemu The mode4and5 write functions in hw/display/cirrus_vga.c in Qemu allow local OS guest privileged users to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds write access and Qemu process crash) via vectors related to dst calculation.
CVE-2017-15038 qemu Race condition in the v9fs_xattrwalk function in hw/9pfs/9p.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS users to obtain sensitive information from host heap memory via vectors related to reading extended attributes.
CVE-2017-15038 qemu Race condition in the v9fs_xattrwalk function in hw/9pfs/9p.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS users to obtain sensitive information from host heap memory via vectors related to reading extended attributes.
CVE-2017-17405 ruby Ruby before 2.4.3 allows Net::FTP command injection. Net::FTP#get, getbinaryfile, gettextfile, put, putbinaryfile, and puttextfile use Kernel#open to open a local file. If the localfile argument starts with the «|» pipe character, the command following the pipe character is executed. The default value of localfile is File.basename(remotefile), so malicious FTP servers could cause arbitrary command execution.
CVE-2017-17790 ruby The lazy_initialize function in lib/resolv.rb in Ruby through 2.4.3 uses Kernel#open, which might allow Command Injection attacks, as demonstrated by a Resolv::Hosts::new argument beginning with a ‘|’ character, a different vulnerability than CVE-2017-17405. NOTE: situations with untrusted input may be highly unlikely.
CVE-2018-8780 ruby In Ruby before 2.2.10, 2.3.x before 2.3.7, 2.4.x before 2.4.4, 2.5.x before 2.5.1, and 2.6.0-preview1, the Dir.open, Dir.new, Dir.entries and Dir.empty? methods do not check NULL characters. When using the corresponding method, unintentional directory traversal may be performed.
CVE-2018-1000074 rubygems RubyGems version Ruby 2.2 series: 2.2.9 and earlier, Ruby 2.3 series: 2.3.6 and earlier, Ruby 2.4 series: 2.4.3 and earlier, Ruby 2.5 series: 2.5.0 and earlier, prior to trunk revision 62422 contains a Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in owner command that can result in code execution. This attack appear to be exploitable via victim must run the `gem owner` command on a gem with a specially crafted YAML file. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 2.7.6.
CVE-2018-1000076 rubygems RubyGems version Ruby 2.2 series: 2.2.9 and earlier, Ruby 2.3 series: 2.3.6 and earlier, Ruby 2.4 series: 2.4.3 and earlier, Ruby 2.5 series: 2.5.0 and earlier, prior to trunk revision 62422 contains a Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature vulnerability in package.rb that can result in a mis-signed gem could be installed, as the tarball would contain multiple gem signatures.. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 2.7.6.
CVE-2018-10873 spice A vulnerability was discovered in SPICE before version 0.14.1 where the generated code used for demarshalling messages lacked sufficient bounds checks. A malicious client or server, after authentication, could send specially crafted messages to its peer which would result in a crash or, potentially, other impacts.
CVE-2018-11385 symfony An issue was discovered in the Security component in Symfony 2.7.x before 2.7.48, 2.8.x before 2.8.41, 3.3.x before 3.3.17, 3.4.x before 3.4.11, and 4.0.x before 4.0.11. A session fixation vulnerability within the «Guard» login feature may allow an attacker to impersonate a victim towards the web application if the session id value was previously known to the attacker.
CVE-2018-11385 symfony An issue was discovered in the Security component in Symfony 2.7.x before 2.7.48, 2.8.x before 2.8.41, 3.3.x before 3.3.17, 3.4.x before 3.4.11, and 4.0.x before 4.0.11. A session fixation vulnerability within the «Guard» login feature may allow an attacker to impersonate a victim towards the web application if the session id value was previously known to the attacker.
CVE-2018-11406 symfony An issue was discovered in the Security component in Symfony 2.7.x before 2.7.48, 2.8.x before 2.8.41, 3.3.x before 3.3.17, 3.4.x before 3.4.11, and 4.0.x before 4.0.11. By default, a user’s session is invalidated when the user is logged out. This behavior can be disabled through the invalidate_session option. In this case, CSRF tokens were not erased during logout which allowed for CSRF token fixation.
CVE-2018-12377 firefox A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when refresh driver timers are refreshed in some circumstances during shutdown when the timer is deleted while still in use. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 62, Firefox ESR < 60.2, and Thunderbird < 60.2.1.
CVE-2018-12378 firefox A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when an IndexedDB index is deleted while still in use by JavaScript code that is providing payload values to be stored. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 62, Firefox ESR < 60.2, and Thunderbird < 60.2.1.
CVE-2018-12379 firefox When the Mozilla Updater opens a MAR format file which contains a very long item filename, an out-of-bounds write can be triggered, leading to a potentially exploitable crash. This requires running the Mozilla Updater manually on the local system with the malicious MAR file in order to occur. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 62, Firefox ESR < 60.2, and Thunderbird < 60.2.1.
CVE-2018-12376 firefox Memory safety bugs present in Firefox 61 and Firefox ESR 60.1. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort that some of these could be exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 62, Firefox ESR < 60.2, and Thunderbird < 60.2.1.
CVE-2018-12385 firefox A potentially exploitable crash in TransportSecurityInfo used for SSL can be triggered by data stored in the local cache in the user profile directory. This issue is only exploitable in combination with another vulnerability allowing an attacker to write data into the local cache or from locally installed malware. This issue also triggers a non-exploitable startup crash for users switching between the Nightly and Release versions of Firefox if the same profile is used. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60.2.1, Firefox ESR < 60.2.1, and Firefox < 62.0.2.
CVE-2018-12359 firefox A buffer overflow can occur when rendering canvas content while adjusting the height and width of the canvas element dynamically, causing data to be written outside of the currently computed boundaries. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12360 firefox A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when deleting an input element during a mutation event handler triggered by focusing that element. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12362 firefox An integer overflow can occur during graphics operations done by the Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSSE3) scaler, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12363 firefox A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when script uses mutation events to move DOM nodes between documents, resulting in the old document that held the node being freed but the node still having a pointer referencing it. This results in a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12364 firefox NPAPI plugins, such as Adobe Flash, can send non-simple cross-origin requests, bypassing CORS by making a same-origin POST that does a 307 redirect to the target site. This allows for a malicious site to engage in cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-5188 firefox Memory safety bugs present in Firefox 60, Firefox ESR 60, and Firefox ESR 52.8. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort that some of these could be exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-11529 vlc_media_player VideoLAN VLC media player 2.2.x is prone to a use after free vulnerability which an attacker can leverage to execute arbitrary code via crafted MKV files. Failed exploit attempts will likely result in denial of service conditions.
CVE-2017-10699 vlc_media_player avcodec 2.2.x, as used in VideoLAN VLC media player 2.2.7-x before 2017-06-29, allows out-of-bounds heap memory write due to calling memcpy() with a wrong size, leading to a denial of service (application crash) or possibly code execution.
CVE-2017-9300 vlc_media_player plugins\codec\libflac_plugin.dll in VideoLAN VLC media player 2.2.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap corruption and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted FLAC file.
CVE-2018-3620 core_i3 Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and address translations may allow unauthorized disclosure of information residing in the L1 data cache to an attacker with local user access via a terminal page fault and a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2018-3646 core_i3 Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and address translations may allow unauthorized disclosure of information residing in the L1 data cache to an attacker with local user access with guest OS privilege via a terminal page fault and a side-channel analysis.
CVE-2018-3665 core_i3 System software utilizing Lazy FP state restore technique on systems using Intel Core-based microprocessors may potentially allow a local process to infer data from another process through a speculative execution side channel.
CVE-2018-14665 xorg-server A flaw was found in xorg-x11-server before 1.20.3. An incorrect permission check for -modulepath and -logfile options when starting Xorg. X server allows unprivileged users with the ability to log in to the system via physical console to escalate their privileges and run arbitrary code under root privileges.


CVE-2018-11763 http_server In Apache HTTP Server 2.4.17 to 2.4.34, by sending continuous, large SETTINGS frames a client can occupy a connection, server thread and CPU time without any connection timeout coming to effect. This affects only HTTP/2 connections. A possible mitigation is to not enable the h2 protocol.
CVE-2018-1283 http_server In Apache httpd 2.4.0 to 2.4.29, when mod_session is configured to forward its session data to CGI applications (SessionEnv on, not the default), a remote user may influence their content by using a «Session» header. This comes from the «HTTP_SESSION» variable name used by mod_session to forward its data to CGIs, since the prefix «HTTP_» is also used by the Apache HTTP Server to pass HTTP header fields, per CGI specifications.
CVE-2018-1301 http_server A specially crafted request could have crashed the Apache HTTP Server prior to version 2.4.30, due to an out of bound access after a size limit is reached by reading the HTTP header. This vulnerability is considered very hard if not impossible to trigger in non-debug mode (both log and build level), so it is classified as low risk for common server usage.
CVE-2018-1303 http_server A specially crafted HTTP request header could have crashed the Apache HTTP Server prior to version 2.4.30 due to an out of bound read while preparing data to be cached in shared memory. It could be used as a Denial of Service attack against users of mod_cache_socache. The vulnerability is considered as low risk since mod_cache_socache is not widely used, mod_cache_disk is not concerned by this vulnerability.
CVE-2018-1333 http_server By specially crafting HTTP/2 requests, workers would be allocated 60 seconds longer than necessary, leading to worker exhaustion and a denial of service. Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.34 (Affected 2.4.18-2.4.30,2.4.33).
CVE-2018-17464 chrome Incorrect handling of history on iOS in Navigation in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to spoof the contents of the Omnibox (URL bar) via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-17467 chrome Insufficiently quick clearing of stale rendered content in Navigation in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to spoof the contents of the Omnibox (URL bar) via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-17468 chrome Incorrect handling of timer information during navigation in Blink in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to obtain cross origin URLs via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-17471 chrome Incorrect dialog placement in WebContents in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to obscure the full screen warning via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-17473 chrome Incorrect handling of confusable characters in Omnibox in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to spoof the contents of the Omnibox (URL bar) via a crafted domain name.
CVE-2018-17475 chrome Incorrect handling of history on iOS in Navigation in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to spoof the contents of the Omnibox (URL bar) via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-17476 chrome Incorrect dialog placement in Cast UI in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to obscure the full screen warning via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-17477 chrome Incorrect dialog placement in Extensions in Google Chrome prior to 70.0.3538.67 allowed a remote attacker to spoof the contents of extension popups via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-16066 chrome A use after free in Blink in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-16067 chrome A use after free in WebAudio in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-16078 chrome Unsafe handling of credit card details in Autofill in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker to obtain potentially sensitive information from process memory via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-16079 chrome A race condition between permission prompts and navigations in Prompts in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker to spoof the contents of the Omnibox (URL bar) via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-16080 chrome A missing check for popup window handling in Fullscreen in Google Chrome on macOS prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker to spoof the contents of the Omnibox (URL bar) via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-16082 chrome An out of bounds read in Swiftshader in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker to potentially perform out of bounds memory access via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-16084 chrome The default selected dialog button in CustomHandlers in Google Chrome prior to 69.0.3497.81 allowed a remote attacker who convinced the user to perform certain operations to open external programs via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-4117 icloud An issue was discovered in certain Apple products. iOS before 11.3 is affected. Safari before 11.1 is affected. iCloud before 7.4 on Windows is affected. iTunes before 12.7.4 on Windows is affected. watchOS before 4.3 is affected. The issue involves the fetch API in the «WebKit» component. It allows remote attackers to bypass the Same Origin Policy and obtain sensitive information via a crafted web site.
CVE-2018-6163 chrome Incorrect handling of confusable characters in URL Formatter in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker to perform domain spoofing via IDN homographs via a crafted domain name.
CVE-2018-6164 chrome Insufficient origin checks for CSS content in Blink in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker to leak cross-origin data via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6165 chrome Incorrect handling of reloads in Navigation in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker to spoof the contents of the Omnibox (URL bar) via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6166 chrome Incorrect handling of confusable characters in URL Formatter in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker to perform domain spoofing via IDN homographs via a crafted domain name.
CVE-2018-6167 chrome Incorrect handling of confusable characters in URL Formatter in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker to perform domain spoofing via IDN homographs via a crafted domain name.
CVE-2018-6169 chrome Lack of timeout on extension install prompt in Extensions in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker to trigger installation of an unwanted extension via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6172 chrome Incorrect handling of confusable characters in URL Formatter in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker to perform domain spoofing via IDN homographs via a crafted domain name.
CVE-2018-6173 chrome Incorrect handling of confusable characters in URL Formatter in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker to perform domain spoofing via IDN homographs via a crafted domain name.
CVE-2018-6175 chrome Incorrect handling of confusable characters in URL Formatter in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed a remote attacker to perform domain spoofing via IDN homographs via a crafted domain name.
CVE-2018-6178 chrome Eliding from the wrong side in an infobar in DevTools in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to Hide Chrome Security UI via a crafted Chrome Extension.
CVE-2018-6179 chrome Insufficient enforcement of file access permission in the activeTab case in Extensions in Google Chrome prior to 68.0.3440.75 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to access files on the local file system via a crafted Chrome Extension.
CVE-2018-6123 chrome A use after free in Blink in Google Chrome prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6133 chrome Incorrect handling of confusable characters in URL Formatter in Google Chrome prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed a remote attacker to perform domain spoofing via IDN homographs via a crafted domain name.
CVE-2018-6135 chrome Lack of clearing the previous site before loading alerts from a new one in Blink in Google Chrome prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed a remote attacker to perform domain spoofing via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6137 chrome CSS Paint API in Blink in Google Chrome prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed a remote attacker to leak cross-origin data via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6143 chrome Insufficient validation in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed a remote attacker to perform an out of bounds memory read via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2018-6147 chrome Lack of secure text entry mode in Browser UI in Google Chrome on Mac prior to 67.0.3396.62 allowed a local attacker to obtain potentially sensitive information from process memory via a local process.
CVE-2018-6561 dojo dijit.Editor in Dojo Toolkit 1.13 allows XSS via the onload attribute of an SVG element.
CVE-2018-10958 exiv2 In types.cpp in Exiv2 0.26, a large size value may lead to a SIGABRT during an attempt at memory allocation for an Exiv2::Internal::PngChunk::zlibUncompress call.
CVE-2018-10999 exiv2 An issue was discovered in Exiv2 0.26. The Exiv2::Internal::PngChunk::parseTXTChunk function has a heap-based buffer over-read.
CVE-2018-10998 exiv2 An issue was discovered in Exiv2 0.26. readMetadata in jp2image.cpp allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (SIGABRT) by triggering an incorrect Safe::add call.
CVE-2017-9218 FAAD2 The mp4ff_read_stsd function in common/mp4ff/mp4atom.c in Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder 2 (FAAD2) 2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid memory read and application crash) via a crafted mp4 file.
CVE-2017-9219 FAAD2 The mp4ff_read_stsc function in common/mp4ff/mp4atom.c in Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder 2 (FAAD2) 2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory allocation error and application crash) via a crafted mp4 file.
CVE-2017-9220 FAAD2 The mp4ff_read_stco function in common/mp4ff/mp4atom.c in Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder 2 (FAAD2) 2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory allocation error) via a crafted mp4 file.
CVE-2017-9221 FAAD2 The mp4ff_read_mdhd function in common/mp4ff/mp4atom.c in Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder 2 (FAAD2) 2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid memory read and application crash) via a crafted mp4 file.
CVE-2017-9222 FAAD2 The mp4ff_parse_tag function in common/mp4ff/mp4meta.c in Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder 2 (FAAD2) 2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (infinite loop and CPU consumption) via a crafted mp4 file.
CVE-2017-9223 FAAD2 The mp4ff_read_stts function in common/mp4ff/mp4atom.c in Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder 2 (FAAD2) 2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid memory read and application crash) via a crafted mp4 file.
CVE-2017-9253 FAAD2 The mp4ff_read_stsd function in common/mp4ff/mp4atom.c in Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder 2 (FAAD2) 2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (large loop and CPU consumption) via a crafted mp4 file.
CVE-2017-9254 FAAD2 The mp4ff_read_stts function in common/mp4ff/mp4atom.c in Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder 2 (FAAD2) 2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (large loop and CPU consumption) via a crafted mp4 file.
CVE-2017-9255 FAAD2 The mp4ff_read_stsc function in common/mp4ff/mp4atom.c in Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder 2 (FAAD2) 2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (large loop and CPU consumption) via a crafted mp4 file.
CVE-2017-9256 FAAD2 The mp4ff_read_stco function in common/mp4ff/mp4atom.c in Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder 2 (FAAD2) 2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (large loop and CPU consumption) via a crafted mp4 file.
CVE-2017-9257 FAAD2 The mp4ff_read_ctts function in common/mp4ff/mp4atom.c in Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder 2 (FAAD2) 2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (large loop and CPU consumption) via a crafted mp4 file.
CVE-2018-14395 ffmpeg libavformat/movenc.c in FFmpeg before 4.0.2 allows attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash caused by a divide-by-zero error) with a user crafted audio file when converting to the MOV audio format.
CVE-2018-6392 ffmpeg The filter_slice function in libavfilter/vf_transpose.c in FFmpeg through 3.4.1 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-array access) via a crafted MP4 file.
CVE-2018-6621 ffmpeg The decode_frame function in libavcodec/utvideodec.c in FFmpeg through 3.4.1 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out of array read) via a crafted AVI file.
CVE-2018-7557 ffmpeg The decode_init function in libavcodec/utvideodec.c in FFmpeg through 3.4.2 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (Out of array read) via an AVI file with crafted dimensions within chroma subsampling data.
CVE-2018-10001 ffmpeg The decode_init function in libavcodec/utvideodec.c in FFmpeg through 3.4.2 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out of array read) via an AVI file.
CVE-2018-12458 ffmpeg An improper integer type in the mpeg4_encode_gop_header function in libavcodec/mpeg4videoenc.c in FFmpeg 4.0 may trigger an assertion violation while converting a crafted AVI file to MPEG4, leading to a denial of service.
CVE-2018-12383 firefox If a user saved passwords before Firefox 58 and then later set a master password, an unencrypted copy of these passwords is still accessible. This is because the older stored password file was not deleted when the data was copied to a new format starting in Firefox 58. The new master password is added only on the new file. This could allow the exposure of stored password data outside of user expectations. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 62, Firefox ESR < 60.2.1, and Thunderbird < 60.2.1.
CVE-2018-12358 firefox Service workers can use redirection to avoid the tainting of cross-origin resources in some instances, allowing a malicious site to read responses which are supposed to be opaque. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12365 firefox A compromised IPC child process can escape the content sandbox and list the names of arbitrary files on the file system without user consent or interaction. This could result in exposure of private local files. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12366 firefox An invalid grid size during QCMS (color profile) transformations can result in the out-of-bounds read interpreted as a float value. This could leak private data into the output. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12367 firefox In the previous mitigations for Spectre, the resolution or precision of various methods was reduced to counteract the ability to measure precise time intervals. In that work PerformanceNavigationTiming was not adjusted but it was found that it could be used as a precision timer. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Firefox ESR < 60.1, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-11645 ghostscript psi/zfile.c in Artifex Ghostscript before 9.21rc1 permits the status command even if -dSAFER is used, which might allow remote attackers to determine the existence and size of arbitrary files, a similar issue to CVE-2016-7977.
CVE-2018-18073 ghostscript Artifex Ghostscript allows attackers to bypass a sandbox protection mechanism by leveraging exposure of system operators in the saved execution stack in an error object.
CVE-2018-12020 gnupg mainproc.c in GnuPG before 2.2.8 mishandles the original filename during decryption and verification actions, which allows remote attackers to spoof the output that GnuPG sends on file descriptor 2 to other programs that use the «—status-fd 2» option. For example, the OpenPGP data might represent an original filename that contains line feed characters in conjunction with GOODSIG or VALIDSIG status codes.
CVE-2018-9018 graphicsmagick In GraphicsMagick 1.3.28, there is a divide-by-zero in the ReadMNGImage function of coders/png.c. Remote attackers could leverage this vulnerability to cause a crash and denial of service via a crafted mng file.
CVE-2018-5685 graphicsmagick In GraphicsMagick 1.3.27, there is an infinite loop and application hang in the ReadBMPImage function (coders/bmp.c). Remote attackers could leverage this vulnerability to cause a denial of service via an image file with a crafted bit-field mask value.
CVE-2017-13134 imagemagick In ImageMagick 7.0.6-6 and GraphicsMagick 1.3.26, a heap-based buffer over-read was found in the function SFWScan in coders/sfw.c, which allows attackers to cause a denial of service via a crafted file.
CVE-2017-16353 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 is vulnerable to a memory information disclosure vulnerability found in the DescribeImage function of the magick/describe.c file, because of a heap-based buffer over-read. The portion of the code containing the vulnerability is responsible for printing the IPTC Profile information contained in the image. This vulnerability can be triggered with a specially crafted MIFF file. There is an out-of-bounds buffer dereference because certain increments are never checked.
CVE-2017-13737 graphicsmagick There is an invalid free in the MagickFree function in magick/memory.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 that will lead to a remote denial of service attack.
CVE-2017-15277 graphicsmagick ReadGIFImage in coders/gif.c in ImageMagick 7.0.6-1 and GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 leaves the palette uninitialized when processing a GIF file that has neither a global nor local palette. If the affected product is used as a library loaded into a process that operates on interesting data, this data sometimes can be leaked via the uninitialized palette.
CVE-2017-14733 graphicsmagick ReadRLEImage in coders/rle.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 mishandles RLE headers that specify too few colors, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer over-read and application crash) via a crafted file.
CVE-2017-14994 graphicsmagick ReadDCMImage in coders/dcm.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference) via a crafted DICOM image, related to the ability of DCM_ReadNonNativeImages to yield an image list with zero frames.
CVE-2017-14997 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (excessive memory allocation) because of an integer underflow in ReadPICTImage in coders/pict.c.
CVE-2017-14649 graphicsmagick ReadOneJNGImage in coders/png.c in GraphicsMagick version 1.3.26 does not properly validate JNG data, leading to a denial of service (assertion failure in magick/pixel_cache.c, and application crash).
CVE-2017-14504 graphicsmagick ReadPNMImage in coders/pnm.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 does not ensure the correct number of colors for the XV 332 format, leading to a NULL Pointer Dereference.
CVE-2017-14314 graphicsmagick Off-by-one error in the DrawImage function in magick/render.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (DrawDashPolygon heap-based buffer over-read and application crash) via a crafted file.
CVE-2017-14165 graphicsmagick The ReadSUNImage function in coders/sun.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has an issue where memory allocation is excessive because it depends only on a length field in a header. This may lead to remote denial of service in the MagickMalloc function in magick/memory.c.
CVE-2017-14042 graphicsmagick A memory allocation failure was discovered in the ReadPNMImage function in coders/pnm.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26. The vulnerability causes a big memory allocation, which may lead to remote denial of service in the MagickRealloc function in magick/memory.c.
CVE-2017-13775 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a denial of service issue in ReadJNXImage() in coders/jnx.c whereby large amounts of CPU and memory resources may be consumed although the file itself does not support the requests.
CVE-2017-13776 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a denial of service issue in ReadXBMImage() in a coders/xbm.c «Read hex image data» version!=10 case that results in the reader not returning; it would cause large amounts of CPU and memory consumption although the crafted file itself does not request it.
CVE-2017-13777 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a denial of service issue in ReadXBMImage() in a coders/xbm.c «Read hex image data» version==10 case that results in the reader not returning; it would cause large amounts of CPU and memory consumption although the crafted file itself does not request it.
CVE-2017-8350 imagemagick In ImageMagick 7.0.5-5, the ReadJNGImage function in png.c allows attackers to cause a denial of service (memory leak) via a crafted file.
CVE-2017-13063 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability in the function GetStyleTokens in coders/svg.c:314:12.
CVE-2017-13064 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability in the function GetStyleTokens in coders/svg.c:311:12.
CVE-2017-13065 graphicsmagick GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 has a NULL pointer dereference vulnerability in the function SVGStartElement in coders/svg.c.
CVE-2017-11722 graphicsmagick The WriteOnePNGImage function in coders/png.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and application crash) via a crafted file, because the program’s actual control flow was inconsistent with its indentation. This resulted in a logging statement executing outside of a loop, and consequently using an invalid array index corresponding to the loop’s exit condition.
CVE-2017-11140 graphicsmagick The ReadJPEGImage function in coders/jpeg.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 creates a pixel cache before a successful read of a scanline, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (resource consumption) via crafted JPEG files.
CVE-2017-11102 graphicsmagick The ReadOneJNGImage function in coders/png.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) during JNG reading via a zero-length color_image data structure.
CVE-2017-6335 graphicsmagick The QuantumTransferMode function in coders/tiff.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.25 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and application crash) via a small samples per pixel value in a CMYKA TIFF file.
CVE-2017-8350 imagemagick In ImageMagick 7.0.5-5, the ReadJNGImage function in png.c allows attackers to cause a denial of service (memory leak) via a crafted file.
CVE-2017-10794 graphicsmagick When GraphicsMagick 1.3.25 processes an RGB TIFF picture (with metadata indicating a single sample per pixel) in coders/tiff.c, a buffer overflow occurs, related to QuantumTransferMode.
CVE-2017-10799 graphicsmagick When GraphicsMagick 1.3.25 processes a DPX image (with metadata indicating a large width) in coders/dpx.c, a denial of service (OOM) can occur in ReadDPXImage().
CVE-2018-16642 imagemagick The function InsertRow in coders/cut.c in ImageMagick 7.0.7-37 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via a crafted image file due to an out-of-bounds write.
CVE-2018-16644 imagemagick There is a missing check for length in the functions ReadDCMImage of coders/dcm.c and ReadPICTImage of coders/pict.c in ImageMagick 7.0.8-11, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via a crafted image.
CVE-2018-16645 imagemagick There is an excessive memory allocation issue in the functions ReadBMPImage of coders/bmp.c and ReadDIBImage of coders/dib.c in ImageMagick 7.0.8-11, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via a crafted image file.
CVE-2018-11251 imagemagick In ImageMagick 7.0.7-23 Q16 x86_64 2018-01-24, there is a heap-based buffer over-read in ReadSUNImage in coders/sun.c, which allows attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash in SetGrayscaleImage in MagickCore/quantize.c) via a crafted SUN image file.
CVE-2018-3639 cortex-a Systems with microprocessors utilizing speculative execution and speculative execution of memory reads before the addresses of all prior memory writes are known may allow unauthorized disclosure of information to an attacker with local user access via a side-channel analysis, aka Speculative Store Bypass (SSB), Variant 4.
CVE-2018-16435 little_cms_color_engine Little CMS (aka Little Color Management System) 2.9 has an integer overflow in the AllocateDataSet function in cmscgats.c, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow in the SetData function via a crafted file in the second argument to cmsIT8LoadFromFile.
CVE-2018-0495 libgcrypt Libgcrypt before 1.7.10 and 1.8.x before 1.8.3 allows a memory-cache side-channel attack on ECDSA signatures that can be mitigated through the use of blinding during the signing process in the _gcry_ecc_ecdsa_sign function in cipher/ecc-ecdsa.c, aka the Return Of the Hidden Number Problem or ROHNP. To discover an ECDSA key, the attacker needs access to either the local machine or a different virtual machine on the same physical host.
CVE-2018-10017 Неизвестно soundlib/Snd_fx.cpp in OpenMPT before and libopenmpt before 0.3.8 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read) via an IT or MO3 file with many nested pattern loops.
CVE-2018-14622 ubuntu_linux A null-pointer dereference vulnerability was found in libtirpc before version 0.3.3-rc3. The return value of makefd_xprt() was not checked in all instances, which could lead to a crash when the server exhausted the maximum number of available file descriptors. A remote attacker could cause an rpc-based application to crash by flooding it with new connections.
CVE-2018-14598 libx11 An issue was discovered in XListExtensions in ListExt.c in libX11 through 1.6.5. A malicious server can send a reply in which the first string overflows, causing a variable to be set to NULL that will be freed later on, leading to DoS (segmentation fault).
CVE-2018-14598 libx11 An issue was discovered in XListExtensions in ListExt.c in libX11 through 1.6.5. A malicious server can send a reply in which the first string overflows, causing a variable to be set to NULL that will be freed later on, leading to DoS (segmentation fault).
CVE-2018-14355 mutt An issue was discovered in Mutt before 1.10.1 and NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. imap/util.c mishandles «..» directory traversal in a mailbox name.
CVE-2018-14363 debian_linux An issue was discovered in NeoMutt before 2018-07-16. newsrc.c does not properly restrict ‘/’ characters that may have unsafe interaction with cache pathnames.
CVE-2018-18065 net-snmp _set_key in agent/helpers/table_container.c in Net-SNMP before 5.8 has a NULL Pointer Exception bug that can be used by an authenticated attacker to remotely cause the instance to crash via a crafted UDP packet, resulting in Denial of Service.
CVE-2018-12015 archive::tar In Perl through 5.26.2, the Archive::Tar module allows remote attackers to bypass a directory-traversal protection mechanism, and overwrite arbitrary files, via an archive file containing a symlink and a regular file with the same name.
CVE-2018-10546 php An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.36, 7.0.x before 7.0.30, 7.1.x before 7.1.17, and 7.2.x before 7.2.5. An infinite loop exists in ext/iconv/iconv.c because the iconv stream filter does not reject invalid multibyte sequences.
CVE-2018-10548 php An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.36, 7.0.x before 7.0.30, 7.1.x before 7.1.17, and 7.2.x before 7.2.5. ext/ldap/ldap.c allows remote LDAP servers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) because of mishandling of the ldap_get_dn return value.
CVE-2018-10547 php An issue was discovered in ext/phar/phar_object.c in PHP before 5.6.36, 7.0.x before 7.0.30, 7.1.x before 7.1.17, and 7.2.x before 7.2.5. There is Reflected XSS on the PHAR 403 and 404 error pages via request data of a request for a .phar file. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2018-5712.
CVE-2018-5712 php An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.33, 7.0.x before 7.0.27, 7.1.x before 7.1.13, and 7.2.x before 7.2.1. There is Reflected XSS on the PHAR 404 error page via the URI of a request for a .phar file.
CVE-2018-10545 php An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.35, 7.0.x before 7.0.29, 7.1.x before 7.1.16, and 7.2.x before 7.2.4. Dumpable FPM child processes allow bypassing opcache access controls because fpm_unix.c makes a PR_SET_DUMPABLE prctl call, allowing one user (in a multiuser environment) to obtain sensitive information from the process memory of a second user’s PHP applications by running gcore on the PID of the PHP-FPM worker process.
CVE-2017-15099 postgresql INSERT … ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE commands in PostgreSQL 10.x before 10.1, 9.6.x before 9.6.6, and 9.5.x before 9.5.10 disclose table contents that the invoker lacks privilege to read. These exploits affect only tables where the attacker lacks full read access but has both INSERT and UPDATE privileges. Exploits bypass row level security policies and lack of SELECT privilege.
CVE-2017-7484 postgresql It was found that some selectivity estimation functions in PostgreSQL before 9.2.21, 9.3.x before 9.3.17, 9.4.x before 9.4.12, 9.5.x before 9.5.7, and 9.6.x before 9.6.3 did not check user privileges before providing information from pg_statistic, possibly leaking information. An unprivileged attacker could use this flaw to steal some information from tables they are otherwise not allowed to access.
CVE-2017-7548 postgresql PostgreSQL versions before 9.4.13, 9.5.8 and 9.6.4 are vulnerable to authorization flaw allowing remote authenticated attackers with no privileges on a large object to overwrite the entire contents of the object, resulting in a denial of service.
CVE-2017-7486 postgresql PostgreSQL versions 8.4 — 9.6 are vulnerable to information leak in pg_user_mappings view which discloses foreign server passwords to any user having USAGE privilege on the associated foreign server.
CVE-2017-7484 postgresql It was found that some selectivity estimation functions in PostgreSQL before 9.2.21, 9.3.x before 9.3.17, 9.4.x before 9.4.12, 9.5.x before 9.5.7, and 9.6.x before 9.6.3 did not check user privileges before providing information from pg_statistic, possibly leaking information. An unprivileged attacker could use this flaw to steal some information from tables they are otherwise not allowed to access.
CVE-2017-7485 postgresql In PostgreSQL 9.3.x before 9.3.17, 9.4.x before 9.4.12, 9.5.x before 9.5.7, and 9.6.x before 9.6.3, it was found that the PGREQUIRESSL environment variable was no longer enforcing a SSL/TLS connection to a PostgreSQL server. An active Man-in-the-Middle attacker could use this flaw to strip the SSL/TLS protection from a connection between a client and a server.
CVE-2018-1060 python python before versions 2.7.15, 3.4.9, 3.5.6rc1, 3.6.5rc1 and 3.7.0 is vulnerable to catastrophic backtracking in pop3lib’s apop() method. An attacker could use this flaw to cause denial of service.
CVE-2018-1061 python python before versions 2.7.15, 3.4.9, 3.5.6rc1, 3.6.5rc1 and 3.7.0 is vulnerable to catastrophic backtracking in the difflib.IS_LINE_JUNK method. An attacker could use this flaw to cause denial of service.
CVE-2018-14647 python Python’s elementtree C accelerator failed to initialise Expat’s hash salt during initialization. This could make it easy to conduct denial of service attacks against Expat by constructing an XML document that would cause pathological hash collisions in Expat’s internal data structures, consuming large amounts CPU and RAM. Python 3.8, 3.7, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 2.7 are believed to be vulnerable.
CVE-2018-1060 python python before versions 2.7.15, 3.4.9, 3.5.6rc1, 3.6.5rc1 and 3.7.0 is vulnerable to catastrophic backtracking in pop3lib’s apop() method. An attacker could use this flaw to cause denial of service.
CVE-2018-1061 python python before versions 2.7.15, 3.4.9, 3.5.6rc1, 3.6.5rc1 and 3.7.0 is vulnerable to catastrophic backtracking in the difflib.IS_LINE_JUNK method. An attacker could use this flaw to cause denial of service.
CVE-2018-14647 python Python’s elementtree C accelerator failed to initialise Expat’s hash salt during initialization. This could make it easy to conduct denial of service attacks against Expat by constructing an XML document that would cause pathological hash collisions in Expat’s internal data structures, consuming large amounts CPU and RAM. Python 3.8, 3.7, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 2.7 are believed to be vulnerable.
CVE-2018-14574 django django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware in Django 1.11.x before 1.11.15 and 2.0.x before 2.0.8 has an Open Redirect.
CVE-2017-12794 django In Django 1.10.x before 1.10.8 and 1.11.x before 1.11.5, HTML autoescaping was disabled in a portion of the template for the technical 500 debug page. Given the right circumstances, this allowed a cross-site scripting attack. This vulnerability shouldn’t affect most production sites since you shouldn’t run with «DEBUG = True» (which makes this page accessible) in your production settings.
CVE-2017-18043 qemu Integer overflow in the macro ROUND_UP (n, d) in Quick Emulator (Qemu) allows a user to cause a denial of service (Qemu process crash).
CVE-2017-18043 qemu Integer overflow in the macro ROUND_UP (n, d) in Quick Emulator (Qemu) allows a user to cause a denial of service (Qemu process crash).
CVE-2017-15268 qemu Qemu through 2.10.0 allows remote attackers to cause a memory leak by triggering slow data-channel read operations, related to io/channel-websock.c.
CVE-2017-15268 qemu Qemu through 2.10.0 allows remote attackers to cause a memory leak by triggering slow data-channel read operations, related to io/channel-websock.c.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2017-15124 qemu VNC server implementation in Quick Emulator (QEMU) 2.11.0 and older was found to be vulnerable to an unbounded memory allocation issue, as it did not throttle the framebuffer updates sent to its client. If the client did not consume these updates, VNC server allocates growing memory to hold onto this data. A malicious remote VNC client could use this flaw to cause DoS to the server host.
CVE-2018-8777 ruby In Ruby before 2.2.10, 2.3.x before 2.3.7, 2.4.x before 2.4.4, 2.5.x before 2.5.1, and 2.6.0-preview1, an attacker can pass a large HTTP request with a crafted header to WEBrick server or a crafted body to WEBrick server/handler and cause a denial of service (memory consumption).
CVE-2018-1000073 rubygems RubyGems version Ruby 2.2 series: 2.2.9 and earlier, Ruby 2.3 series: 2.3.6 and earlier, Ruby 2.4 series: 2.4.3 and earlier, Ruby 2.5 series: 2.5.0 and earlier, prior to trunk revision 62422 contains a Directory Traversal vulnerability in install_location function of package.rb that can result in path traversal when writing to a symlinked basedir outside of the root. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 2.7.6.
CVE-2018-1000075 rubygems RubyGems version Ruby 2.2 series: 2.2.9 and earlier, Ruby 2.3 series: 2.3.6 and earlier, Ruby 2.4 series: 2.4.3 and earlier, Ruby 2.5 series: 2.5.0 and earlier, prior to trunk revision 62422 contains a infinite loop caused by negative size vulnerability in ruby gem package tar header that can result in a negative size could cause an infinite loop.. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 2.7.6.
CVE-2018-1000077 rubygems RubyGems version Ruby 2.2 series: 2.2.9 and earlier, Ruby 2.3 series: 2.3.6 and earlier, Ruby 2.4 series: 2.4.3 and earlier, Ruby 2.5 series: 2.5.0 and earlier, prior to trunk revision 62422 contains a Improper Input Validation vulnerability in ruby gems specification homepage attribute that can result in a malicious gem could set an invalid homepage URL. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 2.7.6.
CVE-2018-1000078 rubygems RubyGems version Ruby 2.2 series: 2.2.9 and earlier, Ruby 2.3 series: 2.3.6 and earlier, Ruby 2.4 series: 2.4.3 and earlier, Ruby 2.5 series: 2.5.0 and earlier, prior to trunk revision 62422 contains a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in gem server display of homepage attribute that can result in XSS. This attack appear to be exploitable via the victim must browse to a malicious gem on a vulnerable gem server. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 2.7.6.
CVE-2018-1000079 rubygems RubyGems version Ruby 2.2 series: 2.2.9 and earlier, Ruby 2.3 series: 2.3.6 and earlier, Ruby 2.4 series: 2.4.3 and earlier, Ruby 2.5 series: 2.5.0 and earlier, prior to trunk revision 62422 contains a Directory Traversal vulnerability in gem installation that can result in the gem could write to arbitrary filesystem locations during installation. This attack appear to be exploitable via the victim must install a malicious gem. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 2.7.6.
CVE-2018-6914 ruby Directory traversal vulnerability in the Dir.mktmpdir method in the tmpdir library in Ruby before 2.2.10, 2.3.x before 2.3.7, 2.4.x before 2.4.4, 2.5.x before 2.5.1, and 2.6.0-preview1 might allow attackers to create arbitrary directories or files via a .. (dot dot) in the prefix argument.
CVE-2018-8779 ruby In Ruby before 2.2.10, 2.3.x before 2.3.7, 2.4.x before 2.4.4, 2.5.x before 2.5.1, and 2.6.0-preview1, the UNIXServer.open and UNIXSocket.open methods are not checked for null characters. It may be connected to an unintended socket.
CVE-2018-8778 ruby In Ruby before 2.2.10, 2.3.x before 2.3.7, 2.4.x before 2.4.4, 2.5.x before 2.5.1, and 2.6.0-preview1, an attacker controlling the unpacking format (similar to format string vulnerabilities) can trigger a buffer under-read in the String#unpack method, resulting in a massive and controlled information disclosure.
CVE-2018-1000119 rack-protection Sinatra rack-protection versions 1.5.4 and 2.0.0.rc3 and earlier contains a timing attack vulnerability in the CSRF token checking that can result in signatures can be exposed. This attack appear to be exploitable via network connectivity to the ruby application. This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 1.5.5 and 2.0.0.
CVE-2018-3760 sprockets There is an information leak vulnerability in Sprockets. Versions Affected: 4.0.0.beta7 and lower, 3.7.1 and lower, 2.12.4 and lower. Specially crafted requests can be used to access files that exists on the filesystem that is outside an application’s root directory, when the Sprockets server is used in production. All users running an affected release should either upgrade or use one of the work arounds immediately.
CVE-2018-11386 symfony An issue was discovered in the HttpFoundation component in Symfony 2.7.x before 2.7.48, 2.8.x before 2.8.41, 3.3.x before 3.3.17, 3.4.x before 3.4.11, and 4.0.x before 4.0.11. The PDOSessionHandler class allows storing sessions on a PDO connection. Under some configurations and with a well-crafted payload, it was possible to do a denial of service on a Symfony application without too much resources.
CVE-2018-11408 symfony The security handlers in the Security component in Symfony in 2.7.x before 2.7.48, 2.8.x before 2.8.41, 3.3.x before 3.3.17, 3.4.x before 3.4.11, and 4.0.x before 4.0.11 have an Open redirect vulnerability when security.http_utils is inlined by a container. NOTE: this issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2017-16652.
CVE-2018-12383 firefox If a user saved passwords before Firefox 58 and then later set a master password, an unencrypted copy of these passwords is still accessible. This is because the older stored password file was not deleted when the data was copied to a new format starting in Firefox 58. The new master password is added only on the new file. This could allow the exposure of stored password data outside of user expectations. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 62, Firefox ESR < 60.2.1, and Thunderbird < 60.2.1.
CVE-2018-12372 thunderbird Decrypted S/MIME parts, when included in HTML crafted for an attack, can leak plaintext when included in a a HTML reply/forward. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.9.
CVE-2018-12373 thunderbird dDecrypted S/MIME parts hidden with CSS or the plaintext HTML tag can leak plaintext when included in a HTML reply/forward. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.9.
CVE-2018-12365 firefox A compromised IPC child process can escape the content sandbox and list the names of arbitrary files on the file system without user consent or interaction. This could result in exposure of private local files. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12366 firefox An invalid grid size during QCMS (color profile) transformations can result in the out-of-bounds read interpreted as a float value. This could leak private data into the output. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 60, Thunderbird < 52.9, Firefox ESR < 60.1, Firefox ESR < 52.9, and Firefox < 61.
CVE-2018-12374 thunderbird Plaintext of decrypted emails can leak through by user submitting an embedded form by pressing enter key within a text input field. This vulnerability affects Thunderbird < 52.9.
CVE-2017-8312 vlc_media_player Heap out-of-bound read in ParseJSS in VideoLAN VLC due to missing check of string length allows attackers to read heap uninitialized data via a crafted subtitles file.


CVE-2017-15710 apache2 In Apache httpd 2.0.23 to 2.0.65, 2.2.0 to 2.2.34, and 2.4.0 to 2.4.29, mod_authnz_ldap, if configured with AuthLDAPCharsetConfig, uses the Accept-Language header value to lookup the right charset encoding when verifying the user’s credentials. If the header value is not present in the charset conversion table, a fallback mechanism is used to truncate it to a two characters value to allow a quick retry (for example, ‘en-US’ is truncated to ‘en’). A header value of less than two characters forces an out of bound write of one NUL byte to a memory location that is not part of the string. In the worst case, quite unlikely, the process would crash which could be used as a Denial of Service attack. In the more likely case, this memory is already reserved for future use and the issue has no effect at all.
CVE-2017-15715 apache2 In Apache httpd 2.4.0 to 2.4.29, the expression specified in could match ‘$’ to a newline character in a malicious filename, rather than matching only the end of the filename. This could be exploited in environments where uploads of some files are are externally blocked, but only by matching the trailing portion of the filename.
CVE-2019-3462 apt Incorrect sanitation of the 302 redirect field in HTTP transport method of apt versions 1.4.8 and earlier can lead to content injection by a MITM attacker, potentially leading to remote code execution on the target machine.
CVE-2017-2899 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the TIFF loading functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite version 2.78c. A specially crafted ‘.tif’ file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to use the file as an asset via the sequencer in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-2900 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the PNG loading functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite version 2.78c. A specially crafted ‘.png’ file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to use the file as an asset via the sequencer in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-2901 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the IRIS loading functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite version 2.78c. A specially crafted ‘.iris’ file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to use the file as an asset via the sequencer in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-2902 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the DPX loading functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite version 2.78c. A specially crafted ‘.cin’ file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to use the file as an asset via the sequencer in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-2903 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the DPX loading functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite version 2.78c. A specially crafted ‘.cin’ file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to use the file as an asset via the sequencer in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-2904 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the RADIANCE loading functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite version 2.78c. A specially crafted ‘.hdr’ file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to use the file as an asset via the sequencer in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-2905 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the bmp loading functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite version 2.78c. A specially crafted ‘.bmp’ file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to use the file as an asset via the sequencer in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-2906 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the animation playing functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite version 2.78c. A specially created ‘.avi’ file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to use the file as an asset in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-2907 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the animation playing functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite version 2.78c. A specially created ‘.avi’ file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to use the file as an asset in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-2908 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the thumbnail functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite version 2.78c. A specially crafted .blend file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to render the thumbnail for the file while in the File->Open dialog.
CVE-2017-2918 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the Image loading functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite v2.78c. A specially crafted .blend file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to open the file or use it as a library in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-12081 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the upgrade of a legacy Mesh attribute of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite v2.78c. A specially crafted .blend file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to open the file or use it as a library in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-12082 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the ‘CustomData’ Mesh loading functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite. A .blend file with a specially crafted external data file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to edit an object within a .blend library in their Scene in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-12086 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the ‘BKE_mesh_calc_normals_tessface’ functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite. A specially crafted .blend file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to open a .blend file in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-12099 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the upgrade of the legacy Mesh attribute ‘tface’ of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite v2.78c. A specially crafted .blend file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to open the file or use it as a library in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-12100 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the ‘multires_load_old_dm’ functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite v2.78c. A specially crafted .blend file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to open a .blend file in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-12101 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the ‘modifier_mdef_compact_influences’ functionality of the Blender open-source 3d creation suite v2.78c. A specially crafted .blend file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to open a .blend file in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-12102 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the way that the Blender open-source 3d creation suite v2.78c converts curves to polygons. A specially crafted .blend file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to open the file or use the file as a library in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-12103 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the way that the Blender open-source 3d creation suite v2.78c converts text rendered as a font into a curve. A specially crafted .blend file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to open the file or use the file as a library in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-12104 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the way that the Blender open-source 3d creation suite v2.78c draws a Particle object. A specially crafted .blend file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to open the file or use the file as a library in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2017-12105 blender An exploitable integer overflow exists in the way that the Blender open-source 3d creation suite v2.78c applies a particular object modifier to a Mesh. A specially crafted .blend file can cause an integer overflow resulting in a buffer overflow which can allow for code execution under the context of the application. An attacker can convince a user to open the file or use the file as a library in order to trigger this vulnerability.
CVE-2018-5179 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-16069 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-16070 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-16073 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-16074 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-16075 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-16077 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6044 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6150 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6152 Неизвестно The implementation of the Page.downloadBehavior backend unconditionally marked downloaded files as safe, regardless of file type in Google Chrome prior to 66.0.3359.117 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to potentially perform a sandbox escape via a crafted HTML page and user interaction.
CVE-2018-6154 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6155 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6156 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6157 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6159 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6161 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6168 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6171 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6176 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6177 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6118 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6121 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6122 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6125 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6129 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6130 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6131 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6132 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6134 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6136 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6138 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6142 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6145 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6148 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-6149 chromium-browser Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12392 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12393 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12395 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12396 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12397 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12398 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12399 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12401 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12402 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12403 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12388 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12390 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12371 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2016-10317 ghostscript The fill_threshhold_buffer function in base/gxht_thresh.c in Artifex Software, Inc. Ghostscript 9.20 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer overflow and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted PostScript document.
CVE-2016-7800 graphicsmagick Integer underflow in the parse8BIM function in coders/meta.c in GraphicsMagick 1.3.25 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted 8BIM chunk, which triggers a heap-based buffer overflow.
CVE-2016-7996 graphicsmagick Heap-based buffer overflow in the WPG format reader in GraphicsMagick 1.3.25 and earlier allows remote attackers to have unspecified impact via a colormap with a large number of entries.
CVE-2016-7997 graphicsmagick The WPG format reader in GraphicsMagick 1.3.25 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (assertion failure and crash) via vectors related to a ReferenceBlob and a NULL pointer.
CVE-2016-9830 graphicsmagick The MagickRealloc function in memory.c in Graphicsmagick 1.3.25 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via large dimensions in a jpeg image.
CVE-2017-2626 libice It was discovered that libICE before 1.0.9-8 used a weak entropy to generate keys. A local attacker could potentially use this flaw for session hijacking using the information available from the process list.
CVE-2013-0288 nss-pam-ldapd nss-pam-ldapd before 0.7.18 and 0.8.x before 0.8.11 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code by performing a name lookup on an application with a large number of open file descriptors, which triggers a stack-based buffer overflow related to incorrect use of the FD_SET macro.
CVE-2011-0438 nss-pam-ldapd nslcd/pam.c in the nss-pam-ldapd 0.8.0 PAM module returns a success code when a user is not found in LDAP, which allows remote attackers to bypass authentication.
CVE-2009-1073 Неизвестно Описание отсутствует
CVE-2017-15119 qemu The Network Block Device (NBD) server in Quick Emulator (QEMU) before 2.11 is vulnerable to a denial of service issue. It could occur if a client sent large option requests, making the server waste CPU time on reading up to 4GB per request. A client could use this flaw to keep the NBD server from serving other requests, resulting in DoS.
CVE-2017-15119 qemu The Network Block Device (NBD) server in Quick Emulator (QEMU) before 2.11 is vulnerable to a denial of service issue. It could occur if a client sent large option requests, making the server waste CPU time on reading up to 4GB per request. A client could use this flaw to keep the NBD server from serving other requests, resulting in DoS.
CVE-2017-17742 ruby2.1 Ruby before 2.2.10, 2.3.x before 2.3.7, 2.4.x before 2.4.4, 2.5.x before 2.5.1, and 2.6.0-preview1 allows an HTTP Response Splitting attack. An attacker can inject a crafted key and value into an HTTP response for the HTTP server of WEBrick.
CVE-2017-17742 ruby2.1 Ruby before 2.2.10, 2.3.x before 2.3.7, 2.4.x before 2.4.4, 2.5.x before 2.5.1, and 2.6.0-preview1 allows an HTTP Response Splitting attack. An attacker can inject a crafted key and value into an HTTP response for the HTTP server of WEBrick.
CVE-2017-16652 symfony An issue was discovered in Symfony 2.7.x before 2.7.38, 2.8.x before 2.8.31, 3.2.x before 3.2.14, and 3.3.x before 3.3.13. DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler or DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler takes the content of the _target_path parameter and generates a redirect response, but no check is performed on the path, which could be an absolute URL to an external domain. This Open redirect vulnerability can be exploited for example to mount effective phishing attacks.
CVE-2017-16653 symfony An issue was discovered in Symfony before 2.7.38, 2.8.31, 3.2.14, 3.3.13, 3.4-BETA5, and 4.0-BETA5. The current implementation of CSRF protection in Symfony (Version >=2) does not use different tokens for HTTP and HTTPS; therefore the token is subject to MITM attacks on HTTP and can then be used in an HTTPS context to do CSRF attacks.
CVE-2017-16654 symfony An issue was discovered in Symfony before 2.7.38, 2.8.31, 3.2.14, 3.3.13, 3.4-BETA5, and 4.0-BETA5. The Intl component includes various bundle readers that are used to read resource bundles from the local filesystem. The read() methods of these classes use a path and a locale to determine the language bundle to retrieve. The locale argument value is commonly retrieved from untrusted user input (like a URL parameter). An attacker can use this argument to navigate to arbitrary directories via the dot-dot-slash attack, aka Directory Traversal.
CVE-2017-16790 symfony An issue was discovered in Symfony before 2.7.38, 2.8.31, 3.2.14, 3.3.13, 3.4-BETA5, and 4.0-BETA5. When a form is submitted by the user, the request handler classes of the Form component merge POST data and uploaded files data into one array. This big array forms the data that are then bound to the form. At this stage there is no difference anymore between submitted POST data and uploaded files. A user can send a crafted HTTP request where the value of a «FileType» is sent as normal POST data that could be interpreted as a local file path on the server-side (for example, «file:///etc/passwd»). If the application did not perform any additional checks about the value submitted to the «FileType», the contents of the given file on the server could have been exposed to the attacker.
CVE-2016-2403 symfony Symfony before 2.8.6 and 3.x before 3.0.6 allows remote attackers to bypass authentication by logging in with an empty password and valid username, which triggers an unauthenticated bind.
CVE-2018-16864 Неизвестно An allocation of memory without limits, that could result in the stack clashing with another memory region, was discovered in systemd-journald when a program with long command line arguments calls syslog. A local attacker may use this flaw to crash systemd-journald or escalate his privileges. Versions through v240 are vulnerable.
CVE-2018-16865 Неизвестно An allocation of memory without limits, that could result in the stack clashing with another memory region, was discovered in systemd-journald when many entries are sent to the journal socket. A local attacker, or a remote one if systemd-journal-remote is used, may use this flaw to crash systemd-journald or execute code with journald privileges. Versions through v240 are vulnerable.
CVE-2018-16866 Неизвестно An out of bounds read was discovered in systemd-journald in the way it parses log messages that terminate with a colon ‘:’. A local attacker can use this flaw to disclose process memory data. Versions from v221 to v239 are vulnerable.
CVE-2018-12392 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12393 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12389 thunderbird Описание отсутствует
CVE-2018-12390 firefox Описание отсутствует
CVE-2016-5108 vlc Buffer overflow in the DecodeAdpcmImaQT function in modules/codec/adpcm.c in VideoLAN VLC media player before 2.2.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted QuickTime IMA file.
CVE-2015-5949 vlc VideoLAN VLC media player 2.2.1 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted 3GP file, which triggers the freeing of arbitrary pointers.
CVE-2014-9629 vlc Описание отсутствует
CVE-2014-9626 vlc Описание отсутствует
CVE-2014-9627 vlc Описание отсутствует
CVE-2014-9628 vlc Описание отсутствует
CVE-2014-9630 vlc Описание отсутствует
CVE-2014-1684 vlc The ASF_ReadObject_file_properties function in modules/demux/asf/libasf.c in the ASF Demuxer in VideoLAN VLC Media Player before 2.1.3 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (divide-by-zero error and crash) via a zero minimum and maximum data packet size in an ASF file.
CVE-2013-4388 vlc Buffer overflow in the mp4a packetizer (modules/packetizer/mpeg4audio.c) in VideoLAN VLC Media Player before 2.0.8 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2011-2194 vlc Integer overflow in the XSPF playlist parser in VideoLAN VLC media player 0.8.5 through 1.1.9 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors that trigger a heap-based buffer overflow.
CVE-2010-3907 vlc Multiple integer overflows in real.c in the Real demuxer plugin in VideoLAN VLC Media Player before 1.1.6 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a zero i_subpackets value in a Real Media file, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow.
CVE-2010-2937 vlc The ReadMetaFromId3v2 function in taglib.cpp in the TagLib plugin in VideoLAN VLC media player 0.9.0 through 1.1.2 does not properly process ID3v2 tags, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted media file.
CVE-2008-5276 vlc Integer overflow in the ReadRealIndex function in real.c in the Real demuxer plugin in VideoLAN VLC media player 0.9.0 through 0.9.7 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a malformed RealMedia (.rm) file that triggers a heap-based buffer overflow.
CVE-2008-3794 vlc Integer signedness error in the mms_ReceiveCommand function in modules/access/mms/mmstu.c in VLC Media Player 0.8.6i allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted mmst link with a negative size value, which bypasses a size check and triggers an integer overflow followed by a heap-based buffer overflow.
CVE-2008-2430 vlc Integer overflow in the Open function in modules/demux/wav.c in VLC Media Player 0.8.6h on Windows allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a large fmt chunk in a WAV file.
CVE-2008-4686 vlc Multiple integer overflows in ty.c in the TY demux plugin (aka the TiVo demuxer) in VideoLAN VLC media player, probably 0.9.4, might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted .ty file, a different vulnerability than CVE-2008-4654.
CVE-2008-3732 vlc Integer overflow in the Open function in modules/demux/tta.c in VLC Media Player 0.8.6i allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted TTA file, which triggers a heap-based buffer overflow. NOTE: some of these details are obtained from third party information.
CVE-2008-3732 vlc Integer overflow in the Open function in modules/demux/tta.c in VLC Media Player 0.8.6i allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted TTA file, which triggers a heap-based buffer overflow. NOTE: some of these details are obtained from third party information.
CVE-2008-1881 vlc Stack-based buffer overflow in the ParseSSA function (modules/demux/subtitle.c) in VLC 0.8.6e allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long subtitle in an SSA file. NOTE: this issue is due to an incomplete fix for CVE-2007-6681.
CVE-2008-1769 vlc VLC before 0.8.6f allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a crafted Cinepak file that triggers an out-of-bounds array access and memory corruption.
CVE-2008-1489 vlc Integer overflow in the MP4_ReadBox_rdrf function in libmp4.c for VLC 0.8.6e allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted MP4 RDRF box that triggers a heap-based buffer overflow, a different vulnerability than CVE-2008-0984.
CVE-2008-1768 vlc Multiple integer overflows in VLC before 0.8.6f allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via the (1) MP4 demuxer, (2) Real demuxer, and (3) Cinepak codec, which triggers a buffer overflow.
CVE-2008-1489 vlc Integer overflow in the MP4_ReadBox_rdrf function in libmp4.c for VLC 0.8.6e allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted MP4 RDRF box that triggers a heap-based buffer overflow, a different vulnerability than CVE-2008-0984.
CVE-2008-0073 vlc Array index error in the sdpplin_parse function in input/libreal/sdpplin.c in xine-lib allows remote RTSP servers to execute arbitrary code via a large streamid SDP parameter.
CVE-2008-1881 vlc Stack-based buffer overflow in the ParseSSA function (modules/demux/subtitle.c) in VLC 0.8.6e allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long subtitle in an SSA file. NOTE: this issue is due to an incomplete fix for CVE-2007-6681.
CVE-2008-1768 vlc Multiple integer overflows in VLC before 0.8.6f allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via the (1) MP4 demuxer, (2) Real demuxer, and (3) Cinepak codec, which triggers a buffer overflow.
CVE-2008-1881 vlc Stack-based buffer overflow in the ParseSSA function (modules/demux/subtitle.c) in VLC 0.8.6e allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long subtitle in an SSA file. NOTE: this issue is due to an incomplete fix for CVE-2007-6681.
CVE-2008-2430 vlc Integer overflow in the Open function in modules/demux/wav.c in VLC Media Player 0.8.6h on Windows allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a large fmt chunk in a WAV file.
CVE-2008-2430 vlc Integer overflow in the Open function in modules/demux/wav.c in VLC Media Player 0.8.6h on Windows allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a large fmt chunk in a WAV file.
CVE-2008-1769 vlc VLC before 0.8.6f allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a crafted Cinepak file that triggers an out-of-bounds array access and memory corruption.
CVE-2008-1768 vlc Multiple integer overflows in VLC before 0.8.6f allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via the (1) MP4 demuxer, (2) Real demuxer, and (3) Cinepak codec, which triggers a buffer overflow.
CVE-2008-1881 vlc Stack-based buffer overflow in the ParseSSA function (modules/demux/subtitle.c) in VLC 0.8.6e allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long subtitle in an SSA file. NOTE: this issue is due to an incomplete fix for CVE-2007-6681.
CVE-2008-0073 vlc Array index error in the sdpplin_parse function in input/libreal/sdpplin.c in xine-lib allows remote RTSP servers to execute arbitrary code via a large streamid SDP parameter.
CVE-2008-1489 vlc Integer overflow in the MP4_ReadBox_rdrf function in libmp4.c for VLC 0.8.6e allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted MP4 RDRF box that triggers a heap-based buffer overflow, a different vulnerability than CVE-2008-0984.
CVE-2008-0986 Неизвестно Описание отсутствует
CVE-2008-0295 vlc Heap-based buffer overflow in modules/access/rtsp/real_sdpplin.c in the Xine library, as used in VideoLAN VLC Media Player 0.8.6d and earlier, allows user-assisted remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) or execute arbitrary code via long Session Description Protocol (SDP) data.
CVE-2008-0296 vlc Heap-based buffer overflow in the libaccess_realrtsp plugin in VideoLAN VLC Media Player 0.8.6d and earlier on Windows might allow remote RTSP servers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or execute arbitrary code via a long string.
CVE-2007-0256 vlc VideoLAN VLC 0.8.6a allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted .wmv file.
CVE-2007-0017 vlc Multiple format string vulnerabilities in (1) the cdio_log_handler function in modules/access/cdda/access.c in the CDDA (libcdda_plugin) plugin, and the (2) cdio_log_handler and (3) vcd_log_handler functions in modules/access/vcdx/access.c in the VCDX (libvcdx_plugin) plugin, in VideoLAN VLC 0.7.0 through 0.8.6 allow user-assisted remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via format string specifiers in an invalid URI, as demonstrated by a udp://— URI in an M3U file.
CVE-2007-0017 vlc Multiple format string vulnerabilities in (1) the cdio_log_handler function in modules/access/cdda/access.c in the CDDA (libcdda_plugin) plugin, and the (2) cdio_log_handler and (3) vcd_log_handler functions in modules/access/vcdx/access.c in the VCDX (libvcdx_plugin) plugin, in VideoLAN VLC 0.7.0 through 0.8.6 allow user-assisted remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via format string specifiers in an invalid URI, as demonstrated by a udp://— URI in an M3U file.
CVE-2007-0017 vlc Multiple format string vulnerabilities in (1) the cdio_log_handler function in modules/access/cdda/access.c in the CDDA (libcdda_plugin) plugin, and the (2) cdio_log_handler and (3) vcd_log_handler functions in modules/access/vcdx/access.c in the VCDX (libvcdx_plugin) plugin, in VideoLAN VLC 0.7.0 through 0.8.6 allow user-assisted remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via format string specifiers in an invalid URI, as demonstrated by a udp://— URI in an M3U file.
CVE-2005-4048 vlc Heap-based buffer overflow in the avcodec_default_get_buffer function (utils.c) in FFmpeg libavcodec 0.4.9-pre1 and earlier, as used in products such as (1) mplayer, (2) xine-lib, (3) Xmovie, and (4) GStreamer, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via small PNG images with palettes.
CVE-2018-499 Неизвестно Описание отсутствует
CVE-2017-12627 Неизвестно In Apache Xerces-C XML Parser library before 3.2.1, processing of external DTD paths can result in a null pointer dereference under certain conditions.

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6 августа 2024

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Astra Linux 1.8: лицензирование и сертификация, защита

5 августа 2024

1 августа 2024 года вышла версия 1.8 отечественной операционной системы Astra Linux Special Edition. В этой статье рассмотрим изменения в схеме лицензирования, сертификации и сделаем обзор новинок защиты.


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